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New School Uniform Update:

In December, we held a presentation evening to share with the school community the work we are carrying out this year on the Rights Respecting School Award, the Nurture School UK Award, and the development of the school brand. For those who were unable to attend, there was much interest in the new school brand, and a video has been made of this part of the evening. I hope the presentation explains the background of the work we have done and how the new brand will be phased into the school uniform over the next few years.

 The presentation can be found by following this link;

A photograph of the new uniform can be seen here:  


On the new uniform website, the uniform shown is currently unbranded (actual photographs of the uniform are being uploaded over the next fee weeks) so I hope the photographs will help to give you a visual picture of the changes. Here is the new logo which will feature on the uniform.



The new uniform becomes mandatory for children starting school in 2025. There is no expectation for current students to switch to the new uniform, but they are welcome to do so if they wish. The uniform with the windmill brand is still available online and from our second-hand uniform shop. For families currently in school who would like to change to the new uniform, you are very welcome to do so from now onwards.

If you would like to purchase a new logo badge to sew onto existing jumpers/cardigans or use on second-hand uniforms, these will be available shortly to purchase on the new uniform website. If you would like to purchase an iron on sheet of logos to transfer onto uniform bought from high street retailers, these will also be available to be purchased at the new uniform website in the next few weeks.

There are a number of branded items available on the new school uniform website including; a coat, hat, full tracksuit, PE shorts, skort, school bag and a book bag. However it is important to note that although families may choose to purchase fully branded uniform, the only items we require you to have branded are:

  1. Jumper or cardigan (It is required that this item is purchased from the new online uniform website - this item cannot be branded with an iron on transfer although a logo badge can be sewn on)
  2. Pale blue polo shirt (It is required that this item is purchased from the new online uniform website - this item cannot be branded with an iron on transfer) 
  3. Navy blue PE T shirt (iron on transfer can be used)

For more information and to purchase the new uniform, please visit the New Uniform Website at:

New Uniform Website

The school uniform policy has been updated to reflect the changes. It is expected in this time of transition that some children may have a mixture of old and new uniform, some may move immediately to the new uniform and some may remain wearing the original uniform for the duration of their time in school. Therefore, in 7 years time, we expect that the school will have fully transitioned to the new uniform.

Please see the uniform policy at the end of this page.

nb. Children starting school in September 2025 are required to wear the new Uniform as outlined above.

The purpose of school uniform is to create a sense of identity – one in which children can be proud of belonging to their school. School uniform consists of:

Reception children

Due to the physical and outdoor nature of the Foundation stage the uniform for the children in reception is based on our school active wear.

Autumn / Spring: Navy Jogging bottoms, pale blue aertex shirt with school logo, school sweatshirt with school logo, black shoes.

Summer: Navy Jogging bottoms or shorts, pale blue aertex shirt with school logo, school  sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo, black shoes or blue and white checked dress with white tights or white socks. Children wearing a summer dress may also wear navy cycling shorts under the dress.

P.E. Kit: Navy blue shorts/skort/tracksuit bottoms, blue school P.E T-shirt with school logo, white socks, trainers. 


Years 1-6

Autumn / Spring: Grey shorts trousers or navy skirt or navy pinafore dress with pale blue aertex polo shirt with logo, school sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo, grey socks or navy tights, and black shoes. 

Summer: Grey shorts or trousers, pale blue aertex shirt with school logo, school sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo, black shoes OR Navy blue and white checked dress with white tights or socks. Children wearing a summer dress may also wear navy cycling shorts under the dress.

P.E. Kit: Navy blue shorts or navy jogging bottoms, blue school P.E. shirt with school logo, white socks, trainers. Tight swimming shorts or trunks OR one piece swimming costume. 





Please note:

  • We ask parents to send their child to school in sensible footwear, no trainers or heavy boots.
  • No bell bottom or skin tight trousers should be worn.
  • Children come to school in their PE kit and remain in it until the end of the day on PE days.
  • Children may not wear jewellery or nail varnish to school. Only sleeper studs may be worn with pierced ears.
  • Long hair should be tied back at all times for safety reasons
  • Hair should be a natural colour and coloured hair dyes are not allowed in school.

We reserve the right to forbid items of clothing accessories and footwear, which are considered unacceptable, dangerous or conflict with the general ethos of the school community.

Second Hand Uniform

Second-hand uniform is available from the school through the PTA. Please check PTA section of the website for more information or contact

Donations of branded second-hand uniform are very welcome. Please leave any branded items for donation in a bag at the school office.


Please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly named so that they can be returned swiftly to their rightful owners when they are mislaid.